
My first website



A little about me...
Hello! My name is Sole Marin. I am a student of the cycle "3D animation, games and interactive environments" at the Fuente de San Luis Institute located in Valencia.
I am doing the first year of the cycle and this is the first website that I do.
My English is pretty bad, but I try hard to improve it, or at least understand it a bit.
I still don't have a hundred words and I don't know what else to say...
Next to me, in the photograph, is Ari. She is 11 years old, actually she hasn't turned them yet but she will turn them in a few days.
That photograph was taken in a course we did to learn how to train dogs for deaf people.
In that course we learned many things, some of them were that: not all dogs are suitable for this type of training, that the most suitable dogs for this type of training are usually mestizos, that the search for the ideal dog for this training is hard , etc.
Dogs that complete training become assistance dogs for the deaf and have the same rights as dogs for the blind. By this I mean that dogs can accompany the person they assist in any public entity, public transport, etc.